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How to Join

There are several membership categories for MSCB.

General members are visually impaired or blind, are 18 or older and are interested in the purposes of this affiliate and of the American Council of the Blind.  They have voting privileges and all other member benefits once their dues have been received.

Others without vision impairment may wish to join under this status as well.

Junior members are ages 12 to 17, are visually impaired or blind, and have all benefits of adult members except for holding office and voting privileges.

Organizations that wish to show their support of, or work with, MSCB may join for an annual fee of $25. (twenty-five dollars).

We also have a lifetime membership status. For further information on this, please contact our president, Donna Brown.

* * This Membership Application link is live when the online and downloadable Membership Application page is available and open for submission.