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Thank you for supporting Mountain State Council of the Blind!

Please read about how you can support MSCB:

The mission of Mountain State Council of the Blind is to advocate for the improvement of the social, economic, and cultural status of the blind and visually impaired of West Virginia.

We have scholarship programs, assistive technology programs, and support the activities of the local chapters.  Please support us in those endeavors.  Supporting us can be as simple as staying in touch.

Mountain State Council of the Blind is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, state affiliate of the American Council of the Blind.

Donate to MSCBWV

We are happy to accept your generous donation. Pay one of 5 ways:

  1. Use the donate link below to use your credit/debit card.
  2. Call our MSCB Treasurer Conrad Bennett to make your donation over the phone: (304) 703-4145.
  3. Snail mail your gift to MSCB at P O Box 188, Romney, WV 26757.
  4. Email MSCB Treasurer Conrad Bennett at
  5. Send through Zelle to Zelle Mountain State Council of the Blind, Inc.,

To Pay Online:

  • After clicking the Donate link below, type in the amount of your donation.
  • You may choose to pay a one-time donation or monthly.

Thank you for considering making a tax deductible donation to MSCB. If the link below does not work for you, contact Conrad Bennett, Treasurer at 304-703-4145.