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Anna L Hunt Memorial Scholarship Application

Eligibility and Selection: Any blind or visually impaired student who is a permanent resident of West Virginia and is attending college or trade school full-time (part-time if a hardship condition exists) during the academic school year 2024/2025 is eligible.  Selection criteria for all scholarships include academic performance, certification of legal blindness, community activities and service, letters of recommendation and an autobiographical sketch.  The Awards Committee will also consider extreme financial (poverty level) or other hardship in addition to the above criteria. The MSCB Awards Committee and Board of Directors selects the winner. We will be unable to respond individually on the progress of the review process or reasons for the selection decisions.

Scholarship Amount: $1,000.00

Application Deadline and Instructions: Completed applications and all supporting documents must be postmarked no later than August 1, 2024.

On-line applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on August 1, 2024. The application is available at

Email applications may be submitted to

Hard copy applications or supporting documents that cannot be e-mailed should be sent to:

Mountain State Council of the Blind, Inc.
Awards Committee
PO Box 188
Romney, WV 26757

Notification Date: On or before September 1, 2024

The scholarship will be presented at the 2024 MSCB Annual Conference and Convention to be held in Beckley, WV October 11 - 13, 2024. The winner must be present to qualify for the scholarship and must agree to sign a form granting MSCB permission for publicity.  MSCB will assist the winner with travel expenses, convention registration, convention meals, and hotel room for two nights.  


Completed hard copy application must be typewritten.  Handwritten applications will not be accepted.  You may download the MS Word application.

Include the following with your completed application:  

  1. Autobiographical sketch: No more than two (2) pages containing information about you.  Tell us about your personal goals, strengths, weaknesses, hobbies, honors, achievements, etc.  Be sure to list the field or courses of study you are pursuing and explain why you have chosen it.
  2. Certification of legal blindness from an ophthalmologist, optometrist, physician, agency executive serving the blind or other competent authority.
  3. Certified transcripts from the school you are currently attending. Entering freshmen, please include high school transcripts; graduate students, please include undergraduate transcripts.  
  4. Two letters of recommendation from a current or recent instructor, professor, or other professional.
  5. Proof of acceptance from a post-secondary school.  Entering and transferring students must submit a notice or letter from the admissions office certifying acceptance or consideration for admission.  Students continuing at the same school do not need to submit this document.

Please note:  in some instances, the Internal Revenue Service may consider scholarship awards taxable income.


1 Start 2 Complete
Gender *
College or Trade School
Will you be a full-time or part-time student? *
NOTE: Full time is considered 12 or more credit hours per semester for undergraduates, and 9 or more credit hours for graduate students.) If part-time, please document the hardship situation preventing you from attending full-time.
PLEASE NOTE: Legal blindness is defined as an individual who has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the corrected eye and/or 20 degrees or less visual field in the corrected eye. Legal blindness must exist in BOTH eyes to be considered eligible.
Visual Acuity
Visual Field
A. *(Entering Freshmen Only) High school currently attending:
B. College or Technical school currently attending:
Will you be a full-time or part-time student?
D. Please list all schools you attended during the last four years if not mentioned above.
Upload Supporting Files to complete application. See INSTRUCTIONS above.
Hit "Browse" to select your file, then "Upload". Alternatively, email to or mail to above address.
1. Autobiographical sketch (see INSTRUCTIONS above)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
3. Certified transcripts from the school you are currently attending or entering. (see INSTRUCTIONS above)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
4.A. First letter of recommendation. (see INSTRUCTIONS above)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
4.B. Second letter of recommendation. (see INSTRUCTIONS above)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.
5. Proof of acceptance from school. (see INSTRUCTIONS above)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx.